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A collection of stories, pictures, thoughts ideas and more that are of interest to feminine and sissy males. I am open to submissions and guests posts on the blog. to email me just see my profile. Hugs...sissy terrie
Showing posts with label A Change in Their Marriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label A Change in Their Marriage. Show all posts

Saturday, June 12, 2021

A Change in their Marriage Part 4 - Humiliating Her Sissy Hubby

Part 4 of my sissy sister Nancy has our poor panty-addicted Jim sweating it out at the restaurant, about to meet his Mother-in-law and her "friend" for the purpose of confessing his nasty secrets.  The friend turns out to be a younger family member - The Mother-in-law's grand daughter and his Wife Carla's niece.

The scene makes for some delicious humiliation at the hands of three generations of female family members.  Can it get any more intense?


Jim saw his mother-in-law, Audrey, enter the front door of the restaurant. He watched her approach their table. A younger woman trailed a step behind her, Carla’s niece. As usual, Carla’s mother was dressed impeccably. She was wearinga fashionable turquoise suit with a white satin blouse, nylons that matched her blouse, and heels and earrings matched her suit. Not many women dressed like that anymore, certainly not just to go out for lunch. He could smell her perfume before she reached the table. He slid out of the booth to greet her. She gave him a cursory nod and leaned across the table to kiss Carla on the cheek. “Hello, darling. Perhaps it’s been a while since you’ve seen Lindsey. You wanted her to join us?”

Carla’s niece Lindsey, 26, had just returned to the city for a job after years away for college and law school. She was dressed far more casually, with leopard print yoga pants and a loose-fitting ivory top over a black tank. She reached out a hand and smiled as she slid into the booth next to Audrey. “Thanks for inviting me,” she said, “I’m intrigued. Audrey said this was something about managing ‘P’s and Q’s’ in marriage?”

Carla smiled. “Sorry for being so cryptic. I understand you being curious what this is all about.” She turned to Jim who was fumbling with a napkin and avoiding eye contact with the women.“I’ve asked Jim to tell you about an important change in our marriage.”

Jim felt beads of sweat forming on his forehead. He glanced up and saw the two women across the table were staring expectantly. He was sure that by now they’d noticed the lace of his peach camisole under his shirt.

Kelly continued, “Mom, I wanted you to know about it, hear it directly from Jim, about the P’s and Q’s, and I’m hoping that it might help you Lindsey in your new marriage. It’s something I wish I’d understood years ago.”

“Okay…,”Lindsey said, “It sounds quite mysterious.”

Carla laughed. “Mysterious, no. Unusual, maybe, at least until you take the time to think about it and understand.” She gave Jim a playful peck on his cheek.

Lindsey looked perplexed. “I’m sure there’s a lot to learn about marriage. That’s part of what is exciting about it, right? Learning together?”

“Maybe,” Carla said. “Let me just see if I can save you some time. Let me ask you a question first if I may. Would you say that your fiancé would do anything for you?”

“Yes, I think so. In fact, I’m sure he would.”

“Well, you are an extremely attractive woman. Excuse my being so forward, but you’ve been together long enough to know that he is quite sexually attracted to you, right? 

Lindsey blushed, laughed self-consciously. “I guess that’d be fair to say, yes.” 

Carla put her hand on Jim’s thigh under the table. “Okay Jim, you’re on.” 

“I’m supposed to tell you about the ‘power of P,’ and …” Jim stopped looked around, lowered his voice. “Male masturbation, control, and, and…” He looked at Carla with pleading eyes.

“You can do it Jim. Remember what we talked about, your reward for doing a good job?”

Jim drew a breath, looked from Lindsey to Audrey, then back at Lindsey. “And tease and denial.” 

Carla took Jim’s hand and patted it. “Very good, Jim. Now let’s start with the power of the P’s. Tell my mom about the P’s.”

“I hate to be crude, Mrs. Ellingson, but one P is for p,p,pussy. A woman needs to understand how powerful that is, the power she has, that most men, most healthy red-blooded men will do ANYTHING to have access to that special part of a woman, to be able to not only have sex with their wife, but to see it, to smell it, to taste it. Most women give it away too easily – even when their husbands are disrespectful or don’t earn it.” 

Audrey smiled. “Well, I believe that. I sure as heck did. There’s more than one meaning for the letter P?”

Jim’s face was beet red. He couldn’t look at either woman. “The other P is for panties. Most women don’t understand how powerful their panties are. There are two kinds of men – those who enjoy wearing women’s panties and who would do anything to be allowed to wear them. Then there are who love women in pretty lingerie but find the prospect of being required to wear panties themselves, or any kind of feminine underwear, extremely humiliating.” He stopped, took a breath, looked at Carla, who nodded, encouraged him to proceed.“Women who have husbands who are the latter type should require them to wear panties if they are to get any pussy, then use the threat of exposing their panty-wearing to control them.”


The Power of Panties

Lindsey laughed. “My fiancé would never wear panties.”

“Oh yes he would,” Carla said, “If you required it, he would. You’d be surprised. Jim is just describing one variation. There are many. Which brings us to the Q. All men have quirks, or specific turn-ons, sometimes called fetishes.”

“I’ve heard that, yes,” Audrey said, “Your father had a thing for my mink coat.”

“Please, Mother.”

Lindsey got a serious look on her face. “I’ve had a feeling that he has some secrets.”

“All men do,” Carla said, “It’s nothing unusual or anything to be ashamed of.” She turned to Jim. “Tell them about your panties, Jim, about your problem with control.”

Jim looked at Carla who nodded and smiled. “I tried to hide it from Carla, but now I know that wasn’t right, and she knew anyway. My Q is panties and I,” The words caught in his throat and tears formed in the corner of his eyes.

“Remember what we talked about Jim. I expect you to tell them. This is for your own good,” Carla said, putting a hand on Jim’s shoulder. “I want you to be honest with women about your little Quirk. This is just practice. Soon we’ll be telling some of my friends.”

Jim took a deep breath and continued. “I couldn’t control myself. I was masturbating, taking Carla’s panties, and doing it. Now that she knows, she has taken control. She lets me wear panties. Now I have my own, and she has stopped me from masturbating. She controls it. Things are so much better this way.”

“Yes, we are both so much happier,” Carla said. She looked at her mother. “Yes, Mother, I know it is shocking, but he was jerking off in my panties. That, of course, has stopped. He does not ejaculate now without my permission.”

“But how do you know?” Audrey asked.

“I simply ask him if he has been a good boy. I can look in his eyes and I know if he is telling me the truth. If he’s beengood, I reward him. If he’s been naughty he is punished. He understands that, accepts that, knows he needs that.

“You punish him?” Lindsey asks, incredulous. “How?”

“Spankings, for one. But I take his panties away, make him wear boxers, which he hates. I withhold orgasms. And remember the power of P? I withhold my P. That hurts him the most.”  

“And tease and denial,” Jim continued, “is how Carla teases me, gets me excited, and then denies my release, so that I am kept in a state of arousal.”

Carla nodded. “Men are powerless when they are aroused. They will do as they are told. Use their quirks to keep them aroused. Use the power of P to keep them aroused and to deny them and you will have the key to harmony and happiness.”


Deliciously humiliating isn't it?  Have any of you ever experienced humiliation, or the revealing of your sissy secrets, at the hands of family members?  Mothers-in-law? Wife's friends?

I've probably mentioned before that Diane's best friend Linda knows all about me; my chastity, panty wearing, my cuckold status, etc.  The humiliation has waned over time, but it never goes away completely.


sissy terrie 💓

Saturday, May 29, 2021

A Change in Their Marriage - Part II

Last week in episode 1, Jim's twenty-year secrets aren't so secret anymore.  His wife Carla  knows.  But Carla waits for a romantic weekend getaway to confront  Jim about his panty wearing and masturbation habits.  She takes charge and puts Jim in a panty that matches hers for dinner that evening.  It seems like Jim's seen the last of his "big boy underwear..."


A Change in Their Marriage (Part 2)

Carla left Jim at the table in the hotel restaurant, told him she was returning to their suite. She instructed him to wait ten minutes, pay their check, and use the restroom in the lobby before joining her in their room. Nervous, but excited, he wondered how she’d react when he told her the truth about his fantasies. Part of him had always wanted her to know, and part of him was deathly embarrassed and afraid of what she would think.

When Jim entered the suite, the lights were low and soft music played in the background. Carla met him just inside the door. She’d taken off her skirt and her panties and dangled her panties from one of her well-manicured hands. She’d put on a garter belt that matched her bra, put on black nylons and silver stilettos, left her blouse on but unbuttoned it. She took his hand and led him to the sitting area. “Everything off except the panties.” 

Once he complied, she handed him her panties. “I wore these to dinner. Take them and show me what you do with my panties when I’m not around. Tell me what you think about.”

Jim took them, held them like they were fragile, like he was afraid of them, of the power they held over him. “Show me,” she insisted.

He slowly raised them to his face, opened the waistband, and pulled them over his head, carefully positioning the gusset so that it rested just over his nose. Then he pulled them taut. His cock hardened against the soft nylon of his panties and he reached down and began to stroke it.

“Tell me,” she said, “Tell me all about your nasty masturbation habit and what you think about when you do it.”

“I, I, I take two pairs of your panties from the hamper. One I put on. I look at myself in the mirror until my cock grows. Then I put the other one over my face so I can smell your pussy and I pretend that I am licking you.”

“Then you jerk off?”


“What do you think about while you do it?”

“Please, Carla, do I have to tell you? It’s so embarrassing.”

She laughed. “Here you are, a grown man, standing in front of your wife in a pair of panties masturbating with your wife’s panties over your head and you’re worried about being embarrassed?” She went and sat down on a large easy chair, leaned back, opened her thighs and exposed her pussy to him.“Yes, poor man, wanker, you have to tell me unless you want to be sleeping on the couch tonight while you listen to me satisfy myself with the vibrator.”

“It’s hard for me to tell you. You’ll think it’s silly.”

“You’re right about that. I do think you’re silly, putting my panties over your head, jerking off like a teenager, but I also know it needs to stop. My scent belongs to me. My pussy is mine. Not yours. Tell me. Now.” 

Jim took a deep breath. Looked her in the eyes, then looked down, between her legs. He wanted her so much. He had to tell her.“I think about you walking in and catching me doing it.” 

“Oh my,” Carla said, “Keep stroking it while we’re talking, Jim. Don’t stop. And in your little fantasy what do I do when I catch you playing with my panties and jerking off?”

“I don’t know if I can tell you that part…”

“Jim? The couch?”

“You, you, you spank me.”

“I see. Hmmm? Take those panties off your head and get over here and start eating my pussy. I’m sure there’s more, but you’ve given me a lot to think about already. I believe there’s going to be some big changes in our marriage.”


 Phew!  It's hard to worship a woman while wearing her panties over your head.  Of course, she can simply pull then down so that your head slides through one of the leg openings and you're instantly wearing a "panty bib" to catch all her juices and your drool.  

Look for episode 3 next Saturday!


sissy terrie 💕

Saturday, May 22, 2021

A Change in Their Marriage

Happy Saturday!

This morning I'm happy to publish another lovely story from my sissy girlfriend Nancy.   She's been featured on this blog before and several of you have asked when she would be writing again.  Well she's back with another multipart story that I'm sure you'll all enjoy!!!


A Change in Their Marriage

Twenty years is a long time to keep secrets. Jim had wanted to tell Carla the truth many times. He’d started to tell her several times, had wanted to, but always got scared, worried that she’d get angry, that she wouldn’t understand. Then something happened that made it easier. She took control and did the asking.

They went away for a romantic weekend to celebrate their anniversary, left the kids with her parents. On the first night before they went out to dinner, she presented him with an elaborately wrapped box. He sat on the bed in their suite, opened it, and found two pairs of panties, identical in style with lace insets, somewhat sheer and two delicate bows a the waist.  He held them gingerly, saw that one was slightly larger than the other.

“Tonight, things change,” Carla said, “No more sneaking around wearing my panties.”

“But I,” Jim began.

“No more pretend, no more lying,” Carla said. She held up a hand, leaned in and kissed him on the lips, took the larger pair of panties, “You will wear these to dinner. The other pair are mine. At home I have a dozen everyday panties for you.”


“You’re not that good at hiding, Jim. I’ve known for a long time. A woman knows if someone is in her panty drawer, in her hamper, wearing her panties, stretching them, soiling them. It’s okay. It really is. I’ve come to accept it. I just don’t want you sneaking around like a teenager. If you want to wear women’s panties, admit it.”

At dinner Jim had trouble finishing his steak. He drank two rum and Cokes and still his heart was pounding. His cock was semi-erect. Carla was wearing the shortest of short skirts and a blouse that showed off her ample cleavage. He couldn’t stop thinking about their matching panties and every time his cock twitched, the sensation of the nylon made him want to reach for his crotch.

Carla spoke more frankly than he’d ever known her to be, and she made little effort to keep their conversation quiet. “You’d best get used to wearing panties, Jim. From now on that’s all you’ll be wearing 365/24/7. Doctor’s appointments, fishing trips with the boys, doesn’t matter. You want panties, that’s all you’ll have. And there’ll be no more secrets.”

Jim blushed, but his cock twitched at the idea.

“I want you to say it out loud, Jim. Say it loud and clear or you can go up to the room and sleep on the couch: I like to wear women’s underwear and I want my wife to give me permission to wear panties.”
Jim looked around, took a big gulp of water, a deep breath, tried to look Carla in the eyes as best he could, “I like to wear women’s underwear. Please give me permission to wear panties.”

“Wear panties like a woman,” Carla added.

“Please give me permission to wear panties like a woman,” Jim said, his face as red as the checks on the gingham table cloth.

Carla spoke up much louder than Jim felt she needed to. “Yes, Jim, if you want to wear women’s panties, you have my permission.”

He closed his eyes, fought back tears. “Thank you.”

“I want to know this; have you been masturbating in my panties?” Carla asked, leaning forward, elbows on the table, her chin in her hands.

“I, ah, I, ah, sometimes…” Jim admitted.

“I thought so. That explains why sometimes you are not ready when I want it. That will stop, like now, like it’s done.” She leaned back, took a long sip from her Chardonnay. “No more wanking.”
“When we get up to the room, we’re going to play a little game of True Confessions. I’m going to allow you to lick my pussy while I interrogate you about what you fantasize about when you wear my panties, when you used to jerk off. There will be absolutely no fucking until I am entirely certain that there are no more secrets. Understand?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

(to be continued)


Whew!  I've already read this twice and I'm just as aroused in my Holy Trainer as I was the first time!

Read Part 2 next Saturday!


sissy terrie 💖

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