About my blog...

A collection of stories, pictures, thoughts ideas and more that are of interest to feminine and sissy males. I am open to submissions and guests posts on the blog. to email me just see my profile. Hugs...sissy terrie
Showing posts with label Nancy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nancy. Show all posts

Thursday, May 16, 2024

"Sometimes I Wonder..." - A Sissy Love Letter

I have a very, very dear sissy friend that I've known for quite a long time.  We've shared so much with one another over the years.  She often tells me how I know more about her than her wife does!  We all have our "best friends" in life.  She's definitely one of mine.  She sent me this lovely email this morning.  It really made my day...

Dixie Belle Scallop Trim
Good morning, dear friend. Sometimes I wonder what panties my friend terrie is wearing. Sometimes I wonder how long you stands in front of your panty drawer before choosing, or if you just hurriedly grab a pair.  Sometimes I wonder if you think of me every time you slip on a pair of Dixie Belles.  

Sometimes I wonder: how often each day the confines of your Holy Trainer are felt, how often you desires you Mistress’s pussy, how you wish you could dress up and be “terrie” all day, what it feels like to be told to “go and get your baby stuff ready” by your Mistress.

Sometimes I wonder how preoccupied  you become with your sissy needs when you’ve been denied for a long time. I wonder a lot of things, and when I do, I often think about being with you lounging by the pool in floral one-piece women's swimsuits, sharing a cold adult beverage....and just enjoying our femininity, talking about all such things.....Love, Nancy

Nancy and me do share some "matching panty days."   I sometimes even get permission to wear something other than pink!   Dixie Belle panties from Shadowline are probably our favorites...we consider them very "wifey."

Nancy's a very special friend!


sissy terrie 💋

Saturday, May 29, 2021

A Change in Their Marriage - Part II

Last week in episode 1, Jim's twenty-year secrets aren't so secret anymore.  His wife Carla  knows.  But Carla waits for a romantic weekend getaway to confront  Jim about his panty wearing and masturbation habits.  She takes charge and puts Jim in a panty that matches hers for dinner that evening.  It seems like Jim's seen the last of his "big boy underwear..."


A Change in Their Marriage (Part 2)

Carla left Jim at the table in the hotel restaurant, told him she was returning to their suite. She instructed him to wait ten minutes, pay their check, and use the restroom in the lobby before joining her in their room. Nervous, but excited, he wondered how she’d react when he told her the truth about his fantasies. Part of him had always wanted her to know, and part of him was deathly embarrassed and afraid of what she would think.

When Jim entered the suite, the lights were low and soft music played in the background. Carla met him just inside the door. She’d taken off her skirt and her panties and dangled her panties from one of her well-manicured hands. She’d put on a garter belt that matched her bra, put on black nylons and silver stilettos, left her blouse on but unbuttoned it. She took his hand and led him to the sitting area. “Everything off except the panties.” 

Once he complied, she handed him her panties. “I wore these to dinner. Take them and show me what you do with my panties when I’m not around. Tell me what you think about.”

Jim took them, held them like they were fragile, like he was afraid of them, of the power they held over him. “Show me,” she insisted.

He slowly raised them to his face, opened the waistband, and pulled them over his head, carefully positioning the gusset so that it rested just over his nose. Then he pulled them taut. His cock hardened against the soft nylon of his panties and he reached down and began to stroke it.

“Tell me,” she said, “Tell me all about your nasty masturbation habit and what you think about when you do it.”

“I, I, I take two pairs of your panties from the hamper. One I put on. I look at myself in the mirror until my cock grows. Then I put the other one over my face so I can smell your pussy and I pretend that I am licking you.”

“Then you jerk off?”


“What do you think about while you do it?”

“Please, Carla, do I have to tell you? It’s so embarrassing.”

She laughed. “Here you are, a grown man, standing in front of your wife in a pair of panties masturbating with your wife’s panties over your head and you’re worried about being embarrassed?” She went and sat down on a large easy chair, leaned back, opened her thighs and exposed her pussy to him.“Yes, poor man, wanker, you have to tell me unless you want to be sleeping on the couch tonight while you listen to me satisfy myself with the vibrator.”

“It’s hard for me to tell you. You’ll think it’s silly.”

“You’re right about that. I do think you’re silly, putting my panties over your head, jerking off like a teenager, but I also know it needs to stop. My scent belongs to me. My pussy is mine. Not yours. Tell me. Now.” 

Jim took a deep breath. Looked her in the eyes, then looked down, between her legs. He wanted her so much. He had to tell her.“I think about you walking in and catching me doing it.” 

“Oh my,” Carla said, “Keep stroking it while we’re talking, Jim. Don’t stop. And in your little fantasy what do I do when I catch you playing with my panties and jerking off?”

“I don’t know if I can tell you that part…”

“Jim? The couch?”

“You, you, you spank me.”

“I see. Hmmm? Take those panties off your head and get over here and start eating my pussy. I’m sure there’s more, but you’ve given me a lot to think about already. I believe there’s going to be some big changes in our marriage.”


 Phew!  It's hard to worship a woman while wearing her panties over your head.  Of course, she can simply pull then down so that your head slides through one of the leg openings and you're instantly wearing a "panty bib" to catch all her juices and your drool.  

Look for episode 3 next Saturday!


sissy terrie 💕

Saturday, May 22, 2021

A Change in Their Marriage

Happy Saturday!

This morning I'm happy to publish another lovely story from my sissy girlfriend Nancy.   She's been featured on this blog before and several of you have asked when she would be writing again.  Well she's back with another multipart story that I'm sure you'll all enjoy!!!


A Change in Their Marriage

Twenty years is a long time to keep secrets. Jim had wanted to tell Carla the truth many times. He’d started to tell her several times, had wanted to, but always got scared, worried that she’d get angry, that she wouldn’t understand. Then something happened that made it easier. She took control and did the asking.

They went away for a romantic weekend to celebrate their anniversary, left the kids with her parents. On the first night before they went out to dinner, she presented him with an elaborately wrapped box. He sat on the bed in their suite, opened it, and found two pairs of panties, identical in style with lace insets, somewhat sheer and two delicate bows a the waist.  He held them gingerly, saw that one was slightly larger than the other.

“Tonight, things change,” Carla said, “No more sneaking around wearing my panties.”

“But I,” Jim began.

“No more pretend, no more lying,” Carla said. She held up a hand, leaned in and kissed him on the lips, took the larger pair of panties, “You will wear these to dinner. The other pair are mine. At home I have a dozen everyday panties for you.”


“You’re not that good at hiding, Jim. I’ve known for a long time. A woman knows if someone is in her panty drawer, in her hamper, wearing her panties, stretching them, soiling them. It’s okay. It really is. I’ve come to accept it. I just don’t want you sneaking around like a teenager. If you want to wear women’s panties, admit it.”

At dinner Jim had trouble finishing his steak. He drank two rum and Cokes and still his heart was pounding. His cock was semi-erect. Carla was wearing the shortest of short skirts and a blouse that showed off her ample cleavage. He couldn’t stop thinking about their matching panties and every time his cock twitched, the sensation of the nylon made him want to reach for his crotch.

Carla spoke more frankly than he’d ever known her to be, and she made little effort to keep their conversation quiet. “You’d best get used to wearing panties, Jim. From now on that’s all you’ll be wearing 365/24/7. Doctor’s appointments, fishing trips with the boys, doesn’t matter. You want panties, that’s all you’ll have. And there’ll be no more secrets.”

Jim blushed, but his cock twitched at the idea.

“I want you to say it out loud, Jim. Say it loud and clear or you can go up to the room and sleep on the couch: I like to wear women’s underwear and I want my wife to give me permission to wear panties.”
Jim looked around, took a big gulp of water, a deep breath, tried to look Carla in the eyes as best he could, “I like to wear women’s underwear. Please give me permission to wear panties.”

“Wear panties like a woman,” Carla added.

“Please give me permission to wear panties like a woman,” Jim said, his face as red as the checks on the gingham table cloth.

Carla spoke up much louder than Jim felt she needed to. “Yes, Jim, if you want to wear women’s panties, you have my permission.”

He closed his eyes, fought back tears. “Thank you.”

“I want to know this; have you been masturbating in my panties?” Carla asked, leaning forward, elbows on the table, her chin in her hands.

“I, ah, I, ah, sometimes…” Jim admitted.

“I thought so. That explains why sometimes you are not ready when I want it. That will stop, like now, like it’s done.” She leaned back, took a long sip from her Chardonnay. “No more wanking.”
“When we get up to the room, we’re going to play a little game of True Confessions. I’m going to allow you to lick my pussy while I interrogate you about what you fantasize about when you wear my panties, when you used to jerk off. There will be absolutely no fucking until I am entirely certain that there are no more secrets. Understand?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

(to be continued)


Whew!  I've already read this twice and I'm just as aroused in my Holy Trainer as I was the first time!

Read Part 2 next Saturday!


sissy terrie 💖

Saturday, January 2, 2021

A Different Kind of Chastity - Part 5

Happy Saturday everyone!

Who doesn't love shopping for panties and other pretty things?  It sure is fun, but what if you went shopping and someone else picked out everything for you?

Maybe it wouldn't be that much fun.  Or maybe, just maybe....it might be.

You're going to love Part 4 of Nancy's "A Different Kind of Chastity."  I certainly did.  Good thing I was locked in my Holy Trainer!



sissy terrie 💋


Kelly was right. Her panties were tight on me. The lace was scratchy in overly sensitive places, and I was reminded of her with every step. “Help me focus,” she’d said. But I couldn’t help but be distracted by the numerousmulti-colored panties, bras, girdles, and babydolls teasing me from the racks as I snaked my way through the aisles of the Intimate Apparel department at JC Penney. Geez. There were even half-naked mannequins in sexy bra and panty sets.

Was I the only guy in the entire store? And where was this Madeline? Luckily, there was no line at the checkout counter.The woman standing behind the counter was drop-dead gorgeous! I hoped to god that wasn’t Madeline. I could feel my heart fluttering as I approached. Forty-something, brunette, stylishly dressed in a white blouse, black pencil skirt. When I got to the counter, I saw she was wearing calf-high black stiletto boots. I didn’t know if I could get the words out…

“M,Madeline. I, I’m supposed to ask for Madeline. M,my wife called.”

She smiled, looked me up and down, picked up a phone from the counter, dialed a few digits, stared at me for a few seconds while she waited for someone to pick up. I looked away, glanced behind me. A woman stood there holding two bras on plastic hangers. “Madeline, that husband is here,” she said into the receiver, a smirk on her lips. “Step aside. Wait here. She’ll be right out.”

After a few moments,a smartly dressed blonde women in her sixties approached. She was tall, especially in her heels, nearly as tall as me. My eyes were immediately drawn to her large breasts highlighted by the white lace shell she wore under a tailored teal blazer with matching skirt.

                Madeline: (grinning) “Tom?” I nodded. She motioned me away from the counter, looked me in the eyes. “I had a lovely conversation with Kelly. She told me you’re having trouble with control?”

                Me: Embarrassed at the obvious question in her tone, not sure if I was expected to answer. I looked away, at the floor. Suddenly I felt the scratchy lace of Kelly’s lace panties. Oh no! My dang penis was trying to grow. “I, ah, I’m not sure what she told you. She told me you’d have a list.”

                Madeline: “I do. She was very frank with me, which I appreciated.” She touched my arm. “I see that you are incredibly nervous. I understand that, but this isn’t my first rodeo. I’ve been selling women’s foundations for over twenty-five years. You’re not the first man…” She lowered her voice slightly and leaned closer. I could smell her perfume. Was it Black Optum? “Kelly explained a little about the control problem. I understand.”She smiled, and I felt my penis shrinking, “No woman would want that.”  She turned and I followed her through the maze of racks of panties and bras, her heels clicking against the tile floor, Kelly’s lace panties riding up the crack of my ass. 

    She stopped in front of a wall display, referred to a small piece of paper in her hand. “Let’s see, according to the size she told me, we’re going to need XL. She said three in the brief style, two high-waisted with zippers and long legs, medium to firm control .” She removed a white garment from a “Maidenform” display and held it just under my waist. “What do you think? Comes in nude or black as well, but Kelly said absolutely no black for you.”

                Me: Glancing around quickly to see if anyone might be close enough to hear, spotting two women in the next aisle. I couldn’t tell whether they were paying attention. “I, ah, white is okay,” I said as quietly as I could.

                Madeline:  Thrusting it towards me, and making no effort to be discreet, “Hold this one and speak up. Did you say you prefer white or nude?” She reached for another brief. “This one is pretty, has lace trim, and comes in pink. Let’s take one of these for sure.”

                Me: Leaning close so she would hear me, in a near whisper, “Could you just choose for me, whatever you think would be best?”

                Madeline: Smiling, “Well, I am partial to Maidenform when it comes to briefs. And I think it is best that you have variety … the spice of life, don’t you think? So, we’ll get one with lace, one in pink, and the white one you have there. It is extra firm, so that should work for you as far as the control issue she said you were having.”

                Me: She was talking so loudly. Was it on purpose? The women in the aisle nearby were definitely listening. I could see them out of the corner of my eye, hear some hushed conversation, some giggling. I wanted to say something, protest, but how could I?

                Madeline: “Now for the heavy armor,” she said, “The high-waisted girdles are over here. You know women don’t wear them as much as the old days, with Spanx and all, but I still think they do a good job, and for what Kelly explained you need … well …” She smiled sympathetically.

                Me: I followed along, allowed her to select two garments. She handed me everything. I was relieved, believed we were done. Where were those two women?

                Madeline: “We’re almost done,” she said, “Just need to get your panties.”

                Me: “Panties?” I asked, incredulous.

                Madeline: “Oh yes, Kelly and I both agreed. You must wear panties under these girdles. Plus, she told me that you’ve been getting into hers. Is that right?”

                Me: “I, ah, I, ah”

                Madeline: “Don’t be embarrassed. You’d be surprised how many men wear panties. I find the most popular panty for men is the Vanity Fair Perfectly Yours Ravissant. She picked up a pink pair from a table. Here feel the fabric. Men tell me they love the feel of the silky nylon.”

                Me: I reluctantly reached out and touched it. My hand was shaking. I saw the two women
watching just steps behind us.

                Madeline: “We’ll get six of these, and since Kelly said you’ll be wearing panties every day, we’ll get six of the Lace Nouveau because they have the same silky feel but also have these cute little lace panels on the legs…”


To be continued…

Saturday, December 26, 2020

A Different Kind of Chastity - Part 4 - Kelly Takes Control

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas.  While finding some panties stuffed into my Christmas stocking every year, Mistress never ceases to surprise me with some that just make my heart flutter!

I also want to apologize for messing up the setting for folks leaving comments.  I found several that were awaiting moderation, which was never my intent.  It should be fixed now.  Let me know if I deserve a spanking or something similar.

Today's post is Part 4 of Nancy's "A Different Kind of Chastity" and this one made my heart skip a beat when I got to the end.  Even made me a little green with envy...enjoy!


sissy terrie 💓

 A Different Kind of Chastity - Kelly & Me

I slept well after that release.  It was one thing to jerk off, but playing with myself while sniffing Kelly's panties was nothing compared to a prolong session of pussy worship.  I woke up with the scent of her lingering on my face.  I looked over at her and loved her even more.  Could I desire her and fer her at the same time?

I slipped out of bed, careful not to wake her, put on my robe and slippers and stepped quietly out of the bedroom to begin my workday in my home office.  The pandemic had us both working from home.  Lost in a flurry of details, I didn't hear her come into my office mid-morning.

    Kelly: "I have some Zoom calls.  Important calls, but before they start, we need to discuss a few things."  Even though we were working form home, she was dressed in a business suit, heels, stockings, black skirt and a teal silk blouse.

    Me: "Okay."

    Kelly: "Take off the robe.  Drop the boxers."

    Me: I really did not think she had been entirely serious yesterday, thought maybe she was just teasing me, but she looked dead serious today.  I dropped the robe to the floor and stepped out of the boxers.  Kelly sat on the sofa holding the black lace panties she'd worn yesterday. 


    Kelly: (handing me the panties) "Sniff them. Smell me."

    Me: Of course I did it, and of course I could not stop my cock from growing which she of course noted.

    Kelly: (Laughing).  "You are so easy.  If only I had realized this earlier in our marriage.  How things would have need different."  he gestured for me to return her panties to her.  "Okay, Rule One, starting today we have separate clothes hampers and you are not to touch my soiled panties, stockings or bras without my permission.  Smelling my scent will be a reward, not something you steal.  Understand?"

    Me: "Yes.  Sorry Kelly."

    Kelly: "Rule Two:  No masturbation.  I have been doing some research about how wives manage this with their husbands.   Did you know that there are a number of devices out there to lock up penises so men can play with themselves?"

    Me: (Suddenly incredibly nervous) "Yes, I did know that, but I don't think.."

    Kelly: "I really don't care what you think, and we may need to go that route in the future, but we are going to start with an honor system.  This is how it will work.  Twice a day, each morning and evening, you will stand before me naked as the day you were born.  I will conduct a short interview.  You know that I can tell when you are lying."

    Me: I put a hand up, "But Kelly..."

    Kelly: "But nothing, You've been selfish for too long.  If you have any hope of ever tasting my pussy again or being allowed access to my panties, you will do just as I say."  She wanted for me to nod acknowledgement.  "I will reward your compliance with treats.  Maybe a pair of my soiled panties on your pillow, or a session of supervised masturbation, perhaps a taste of pussy - we'll see - but your wanton, wasteful, selfish ejaculations are done.  Done forever.  I will decide when or if you spurt."

    Me: "Yes, Kelly.  I am sorry, but..."

    Kelly:  She put a finger to her lips.  "This isn't a discussion, Tom.  You've demonstrated that you can't control your penis.  I'm taking control of it."  She reached out and gave it a disdainful swat.  "One more thing. I have spoken to the manager of the intimate apparel department at the JC Penney store at the mall.  She is expecting you at 11:00 a.m.  Her name is Madeline."

    Me:  "Kelly, please really?  Can't you go yourself? What am I supposed to get?"

    Kelly:  "I've given Madeline the list.  Turns out she has quite a bit of experience helping men."  She handed me the panties she'd worn yesterday.  "Since you love my panties so much, I want you to wear these to the mall.  They'll be a bit tight, but that will keep you focused."    

To be continued... 

Saturday, December 19, 2020

A Different Kind of Chastity - Part 3

It's Saturday morning of Christmas week and I hope those of you in the Northeast are digging out for the heavy snowfall.  Having spent most of our lives living and working there, both of us miss the beauty of a fresh snowfall around Christmas, but don't miss all the inconvenience and work it brings with it.

Today we feature the third part of my sissy sister Nancy's lovely story.  Nancy's wife Kelly deals with the "masturbation problem" and takes matters into her own hands....



sissy terrie 👄


She knew me so well. She knew that both my eyes and my cock were like a barometer for the truth, like lie detectors. I couldn’t lie to her without her knowing, not when she could see or feel the response of my penis. I stood by the bed waiting, knowing only that she told me that we were going to have “a little talk” about my “masturbation problem” and my “selfishness.” I was naked and my penis had shriveled as though it wanted to hide from her. I heard the toilet flush, stood up straight, clasped my hands in front of me in a foolish effort at modesty, and waited – surprisingly nervous even though I’d known her for over thirty years.

She entered the bedroom wearing only the black camisole she had on earlier. No panties. She ignored me as she got into bed and arranged several pillows against the headboard. I couldn’t help but notice that, in one hand, she held the pink Wand massager I’d gotten her for an anniversary gift a few years ago. We’d played with it a few times – then I thought it was discarded into a bedside stand drawer. She flipped the switch on the Wand, clenched it between her legs, and reached for my flaccid penis. She held it firmly with her right hand as she sat back against the pillows.

Kelly: “Would it surprise you to learn that you are not the only one around here that masturbates?”

Me: (I could feel my cock growing in her hand.) “Yes. I didn’t think…”

Kelly: “You didn’t think I finished myself after you left me wanting all those nights? After you selfishly shot your load when I had hardly gotten started –after you rolled over and started snoring?”

Me: “Kelly, I, …” She took her hand from my penis and squeezed my balls. Hard! “Ouch!”

Kelly: “I am not looking for excuses. I want honest answers, and I want obedience.” She  put her hand back on my cock, stroked it a few times. “Look me in the eyes. Stay focused. Answer my questions. How often have you been jerking yourself off?”

Me: I wanted to look away, wanted to pretend it was less, but I knew she would know if I didn’t tell the truth….  “Mostly every day. Some days twice.” She didn’t flinch at the answer, held my cock firmly, gave it a squeeze.

Kelly: “So naughty. So little control, such a little boy.” She shook her head, pursed her lips. “And sniffing my panties, taking them from the hamper? Every time?”

Me: “Usually, yes.”

Kelly: “The other times?”

Me: I was so embarrassed I could hardly speak. She grabbed my balls again and squeezed. I answered but couldn’t look at her when I said it. “There have been a few times, just a few, that I did it into one of your bras.”

Kelly: “My, my, this is worse than I thought.” She gave my cock a few more strokes and I thought I was going to cum. “One more question and then you are going to suck me off, would you say that it is fair to say that you are addicted to the scent of my pussy.”

Me: “Without a doubt.”

Kelly: She shut off the Wand and set it aside. “Get between my legs and show me.”

Me: I hurried into position and enthusiastically began. All of my senses were filled with her. I was surrounded with pussy. I was in heaven. She began to taunt me. “Put your tongue as deep as you can get it because, remember, your tiny penis will never, ever, ever, again enter me.” I felt it start, tried to stop it. “Such a pathetic pussy-whipped masturbator with a tiny penis that isn’t capable of fucking women.” My groin bucked, my penis convulsed, and I had an accident. We both knew immediately what happened.

Kelly: yelling. “You are so selfish. That’s it. I was trying to be nice.” She sat up, pushed me aside and pointed at the large wet spot on the sheet. “Yuck. Start licking this up while I take care of things myself.” She reached for the Wand. “Tomorrow we start your new set of rules.”

Ashamed, I did as she commanded, and with the taste of my own semen in my mouth I knew that she had tricked me into demonstrating (again) how inadequate I was. I listened to the whirr of her Wand, to her moaning, and eventually to her crying out in an ecstasy that she gave herself.

To be continued....

Saturday, December 12, 2020

A Different Kind of Chastity - Part 2

Last Saturday I posted a the first part of my sissy friend Nancy's story about her own chastity journey.  Over the next several Saturdays, you'll get a chance to read a new segment until it reaches its beautiful "climax."  Try not to be naughty gurls and touch yourselves while reading it ok?  I know it's hard but we can do it if we try.


sissy terrie 💗

 Part II - A Different Kind of Chastity

She put her wine glass down and dropped her finger from the side of her black lace panties so that the thin fabric slipped back over her pussy. I could see the dark outline of her special place through her panties. I wanted her, wanted to smell her, taste her. I felt her looking at me, watching. She scooted forward on the chair, opened her legs wide, put both of her hands on the back of my head, and pulled my head into her.

Kelly: “Breathe. Smell me. Imagine how wonderful it would be to be allowed to put your penis inside me.”

Surrounded by her powerful scent, my pants still down at my knees, I inhaled deeply, and reached for my cock. Immediately, I felt her hands on my hair and she jerked my head back.

Kelly: “Hands off. Did I tell you that you could play with it?”

Me: (Startled) “No, I, ah…”

Kelly: “You’ve taken far too many liberties with that thing of yours for too long. Selfish liberties. You asked what you could do for me? You want to have more sex?

Me: “Yes, I…

She put a finger to her lips. “Shh!” She hitched up her skirt, reached under it, slid off her panties and glared at me.

Kelly: “Stand up.” When I complied, she handed me her panties. “I know what you’ve been doing with my panties from the hamper, so don’t try to tell me you haven’t.” She opened her legs exposing her pussy. My eyes immediately focused there. “Look me in the eyes, not at my cunt,” she demanded, “And I want the truth. I found a pair of my soiled panties in your jeans pocket, and I know you’ve been rummaging through the laundry. I want you to show me what you’ve been doing.”

I held her panties in my hand, tried hard to look her in the eyes.

Kelly: “Come on,” she commanded, “Show me what nasty shameful things you do with my panties when I’m not around.”

I slowly raised them to my face, opened the waist band and slipped them over my head with the gusset on my nose. Ashamed, I closed my eyes.

Kelly: “Look at me.” Amused, she shook her head, smiled. “Then I supposed you jerk off. Do you get another pair to pleasure yourself?”

I looked away. She was right. I’d been doing it for some time, had gotten careless.

Me: “Y-y-yes.”

Kelly: “Is this how a husband should behave? Going around behind his wife’s back sniffing her panties and masturbating like a teenager?”

Me: “I, I…”

Kelly: “Take those panties off your head. You look ridiculous. Kneel and get in front of my pussy. You may look, not touch.”

I did as she asked, quick as I could, my entire body trembled. My cock was rock hard and twitching. Her pussy was glistening wet. She spread her lips with her fingers.

Kelly: “Things are going to change. No more masturbating. None! And your little penis will NEVER enter me again. Never.” She paused to let that sink in, inserted a finger deep inside as if to demonstrate what I would be losing.“It is obvious that you can not control your penis. From this day forward I am taking control of it. I know you love my pussy, so I shall teach you to be a world class pussy eater. And since you seem to have such a thing for my panties, we are going to have to do something about that as well. Now, get in the bedroom and wait for me by the side of the bed. I will be in shortly. We need to have a little discussion about your penis and this masturbation habit of yours."

To be continued....

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