About my blog...

A collection of stories, pictures, thoughts ideas and more that are of interest to feminine and sissy males. I am open to submissions and guests posts on the blog. to email me just see my profile. Hugs...sissy terrie

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Waiting for Discipline

A true Female Led Marriage or Relationship never takes a "vacation."   Despite being on vacation with some vanilla friends, Diane still manages to effectively and discreetly wield Her power and control over me.  For instance, I spent 30 minutes in the corner of our hotel room yesterday for both a "minor" behavioral faux-pas and Her "enjoyment."

At the same time, some vacations don't come with all the FLR's bells and whistles that include strap-on sex and serious spankings.  Some of those things just have to wait.

The end to yesterday's corner time came with a "That's enough for now" from Diane and a "the rest will have to wait until we get home."

Nobody likes to wait for anything.  I'm as impatient as the next person.  But waiting also has me thinking some naughty thoughts.  Like this one...

We'll see what happens.


sissy terrie 💓


  1. Anticipation...can be lovely, or cause anxious arousal, or both. Nice post. :)

  2. Oh my gosh! You have a wonderful life!


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