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A collection of stories, pictures, thoughts ideas and more that are of interest to feminine and sissy males. I am open to submissions and guests posts on the blog. to email me just see my profile. Hugs...sissy terrie

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Corset Time

Mistress and me had a lovely vacation.  Time to recharge, relax, reorient and even recommit to our Wife Led Marriage.  What could be better?

Vacations are also a time when we tend to overindulge in things other than sex.  For instance, enjoying the fine cuisine of whatever part of the country or world we're in.  When we return it's back to our norm and the first thing I had to do in her presence was step on the scale.

'Yikes" She said.  "Is sissy's corset going to fit her?"

The corset has always been used as a sort of measuring stick along with the scale to see if I'm meeting Her expectations.

She was right, it didn't lace as tightly as it should have.  

I'll be pulling out the corset periodically until it fits just the way it should!

Photo courtesy of the beautiful Stephanie from Long Island Staylace.

I'll get there!


sissy terrie 👄👄👄

p.s. - I missed all of you!


  1. i really need to order a proper corset. i've wanted one for a very long time. Recommendations?



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