About my blog...

A collection of stories, pictures, thoughts ideas and more that are of interest to feminine and sissy males. I am open to submissions and guests posts on the blog. to email me just see my profile. Hugs...sissy terrie

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Messy Memories

I've been in chastity for more than six years.  At least for us, it's worked out very well.  It certainly isn't for everyone and it takes effort on both parties, the key holder and the party who's locked.

I still have very fond memories of the days when I wasn't in some type of cage.  Slipping into a pretty pair of panties would often lead to a slow and sensual arousal.  Often I couldn't control myself, have an "accident" and have to change into another pair of panties.

 Chastity changed all that.  Over the past six years those "accidents" have been a very rare occurrence.



sissy terrie 👄

Monday, February 22, 2021

Not So Lazy Sunday

 It was a lazy Sunday all around.  Slept in a little before getting up to make coffee for Mistress then took my shower and dressed in a typical sissy wife fashion.  I snuck outside to pick up the Sunday paper in the driveway to deliver it to Mistress with a fresh cup of coffee.  It was a very nice way to start the day.

There weren't many chores for me to do this particular Sunday.  Mistress was in Her home office catching up on some work.   It was early in the afternoon  when I sought and received Her permission to go upstairs and take a nap in the guest bedroom I usually stay in when Her lover is around.

I stripped down to just my bra and panties, lay down on the big fluffy bed and started to day dream about some of my sissy fantasies.   Just as I started to doze off I thought I heard Mistress calling me...

"Terrie...would you please get down here."

At first, I thought it was part of my dream.  Half asleep, I started to roll over onto my tummy.

"Terrie!  Get down here" Mistress called again.

Her call wasn't part of any dream.  She was indeed calling me.  I got out of bed to go downstairs.  

"Terrie!!!!" came the call.  "I want you down here NOW!"

I went downstairs as fast as I could.

A girl's gotta do what a girls gotta do!


sissy terrie 👄

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Sissy Shopping

The pandemic has put a damper on a lot of things.  For us, it's cancelled a couple of vacations where I might have even had an opportunity to go out shopping with Mistress dressed "en femme."  Instead, I believe all my shopping for feminine things has taken place online.  

Hope you enjoy this picture as much as I do.  It's absolutely loaded with femininity with shades of pink, some pears, the hint of her petticoat and the inviting pink curtan in the background that leads to this chic boutique's changing room.

Even that phone call looks so sensually feminine!


sissy terrie 👄

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Sissy Fashion Shows

Recognizing the changing trends and demographics over the last decade, the fashion world realized the emerging market for ultra-feminine clothing to meet the needs of sissy crossdressers.  Fashion moguls in London, New York,  Paris and other major cities have begun to organize fashions shows featuring their latest creations designed with the "feminine male" in mind.

These shows have proven to be a big hit, and for good reason; they feature the prettiest of sissies modeling the most feminine fashions!

The shows are attracting huge and diverse crowds, willing to pay top dollar for seats close to the runway. 

At each show, judges select the "sissiest outfit" of the show.  It's an honor for both the model and the designer to be selected for such an honor. 

As you can see from last week's show in London, the competition is fierce.

Can you guess which sissy was the winner?


sissy terrie 👄

Friday, February 19, 2021

Feminine Friday

I'm feeling a little extra girly, feminine and submissive on this particular Friday.  Some days I just feel that way for no particular reason.  Not today though.

This particular day I was told exactly what brand, type and color panty I had to wear.  The panty I'm wearing is readily available in most stores where you can buy quality but not necessarily high-end lingerie, so it's not like it's incredibly unique or anything.  Rather, it's very simple in its femininity, a baby pink granny panty very befitting of a sissy wife.  

My instructions on what I was to wear today were also very direct, to the point and simple.

The psyche of a sissy might be difficult for many to understand.  But I'm sure there are many of you out there who understand what I mean when I say the whole thing has me very aroused.

I hope all my readers and feminine friends have as wonderful a day as I'm having.

Here's a meme (I typically don't post many of those) that someone sent me that I really like.  Hope you enjoy it too!

Happy Friday!


sissy terrie 💋

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Thick Thursdays


Prior to my Mistress Wife rightfully taking over what use to be "our" other blog, i use to post a semi-regular series of posts called "Thick Thursdays."   

The posts featured beautiful curvy women on the larger side in very flattering lingerie.  

I made no secret about my fantasies about larger, BBW type dominant women.  Diane doesn't fall into that category but humors my by often teasing me about my "lust for largess."  

Today's posts gives you an insight into some of the fannies that capture my fancy.

I'm sure I'm not alone in seeing pretty lingerie worn by women with beautiful curves.  


sissy terrie 💗


Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Firmness that Flatters

"My girdle is killing me!" I remember an older aunt saying to no one in particular one evening towards the end of a family gathering.  I was too young to know what she was talking about at the time but years later when my interest in feminine "intimates" and other types of clothing had gone beyond being just curious, the words resonated with me.  

The first panty girdle I ever put on was my Mom's.  The firmness of the material as it "controlled" my private parts ignited a feeling of submissiveness inside of me that seemed to go so naturally with the feeling of femininity.  I'd fantasize about being made to wear a girdle as punishment for something I might have done.  My sisters would laugh at me and call me a sissy and sure enough, my secret would be discovered by my sisters' girlfriends and in the most extreme case...their boyfriends.

The firmness of a girdle is meant to flatter a woman's figure, and it certainly has the potential to do that...

Of course some women, along with sissies and crossdressers, look better in girdles than others. In addition to adding firmness and flattering the figure, let's not forget that they can also play a very important role in feminizing.


sissy terrie


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