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A collection of stories, pictures, thoughts ideas and more that are of interest to feminine and sissy males. I am open to submissions and guests posts on the blog. to email me just see my profile. Hugs...sissy terrie

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

A Sissy's Private Space

By the time I was immersed in a Female Led Marriage with its own set of rules and responsibilities I was already well versed in one of the domestic duties I was required to perform.  I even suggested it to Diane who didn't even think twice about accepting my offer.  Some women just enjoy having a dutiful submissive who carefully hand washes their delicate unmentionables.

It wasn't until my junior year in college that I had the opportunity to enjoy the privacy of my own place.  It was in the suburbs of the city where I went to school and about twenty minutes from campus.  It was actually a small two-room, one bath guest house that provided plenty of privacy; a far cry from my other dressing experiences with my sisters' or mom's  things and the "deep" hiding of any lingerie I might be able to hold on to.  

It was then and there that I grew to enjoy the handwashing of my limited lingerie collection.  I would take the time to wash them with Woolite in the bathroom sink, rinse them, lay them on a towel to soak up excess water, roll the towel and let them sit for a few minutes before hanging them in the bathroom.

Later, I would invest in a small wooden laundry rack as my collection of feminine intimates grew.  I didn't always wait until I had lots of lingerie to wash.  There were times that "accidents" would occur and I had to wash the panties as soon as possible.

I'm sure many of you have similar experiences in your past and probably continue to enjoy handwashing yours and your wife's or girlfriend's panties to this day.

Please tell me I'm not the only one! 


sissy terrie 💓


  1. Definitely one of this sissy's favorite tasks. You are not alone :)

    sissy pet

  2. I have done it, and would still of course if She asked, but nowadays my panties and Hers go into the machine. However, it is my job to neatly fold them and put them away. I keep Her lingerie drawer neat and organized. She expects it and I love doing it.

  3. You are not the only one Terri. I have always enjoyed hand washing my wife's panties, bras and tights. It's a special sissy time for me. My wife leaves them for me on my bedside table last thing at night. I have even been known to snuggle up with them during the night! Sissy Jenna xx

  4. I only wish, that I could do this for my wife, and my own lingerie collection. It would be my favorite day of the week!


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