About my blog...

A collection of stories, pictures, thoughts ideas and more that are of interest to feminine and sissy males. I am open to submissions and guests posts on the blog. to email me just see my profile. Hugs...sissy terrie

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Two Shopping Days Left

I'm way behind on my Christmas shopping.  And the shipping industry is way behind in delivering packages in time for Christmas. 

I'm not sure if the lingerie I bought Diane will arrive in time.

That means I'll have to do some "in-person" shopping for those naughty undies She likes to wear for Her Lover Karl.

Hope Santa is not having the same logistical problems I am!


sissy terrie 👄


  1. At least this time when you tell the clerk the panties are “for my wife” you won’t be lying...

  2. At least this time when you tell the clerk the panties are “for my wife,” you won’t be lying...

  3. I know what you mean terri, I'm having the same issue. I ordered something for my Miss on Nov. 30th and it hasn't moved since the 9th :(



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