About my blog...

A collection of stories, pictures, thoughts ideas and more that are of interest to feminine and sissy males. I am open to submissions and guests posts on the blog. to email me just see my profile. Hugs...sissy terrie

Saturday, February 27, 2021

A Tribute to Sissy Wives

It happens to be a beautiful Saturday morning here in the desert southwest.  Mistress is at the gym and I'm here in my apron taking a break from housework.  I'm sure I'm not the only sissy wife or submissive husband, hubwife or significant other who's spending their Saturday morning in a state of domestic bliss.  In fact, I KNOW I'm not 😏

Across America and the world there have to be countless males who, each Saturday or some other designated day of the week, are tasked with what years ago was always considered "women's" work.  Most of us are only happy to accept the responsibility and take it very seriously.

Of course, we're also thrilled to doing our work in pretty aprons...

Some are prettier and more feminine than others.  Others simple but equally effective at putting us into the proper mood.

Some may not even opt for an apron, choosing a more fashionable and less dowdy appearance...

I do take ownership of the kitchen - "This is my space!"  But even when I'm in a dress and wearing my pearl necklace, I usually wear an apron.  It's one of those garments that enhances my femininity...

So kudos and a shout out to all the sissy wives out there who help make so many households run smoothly and keep their homes neat and tidy and most importantly, the Women In Charge happy.

We're proud of our roles, and our homes!



sissy wife terrie 💓


  1. I LOVE my pretty feminine apron, but I must ask my Wife for permission to wear it (or I get into BIG trouble with Her).

    1. I always even the sissy wives who can wear what they want, when they want, etc.


      sissy terrie

  2. Actually I get some "me time" on Saturdays....I usually don't even cook....we'll order take out from somewhere....
    I try to always wear something pretty and as a full time stay at home sissy it's rare to find me without something silky or frilly on...
    So yes I quite agree that there must be a LOT more men who love this....why wouldn't they?

    1. Agreed Kaaren, why wouldn't they! Nice to hear that Saturday is your day to just relax and feel "pampered", shave your legs...giggles....etc.


      sissy terrie

  3. I DO Luv This, Cooking, Baking, Cleaning And More In A Decidedly Classic Dress & Apron!!
    Although, I Would Be MUCH Happier If I Were Doing All Of This For A Handsome & Loving HUSBAND!!

    1. Oh Rachelle! You're really taking this to a higher level of femininity....you go gurl :)


      sissy terrie

  4. i have learned to always wear a frilly apron over my pretty dresses. i love to cook but i am messy so protecting my gurlie clothes saves me from stinging corrections with Her wooden spoon!

    1. Oh my...I know the feeling of a wooden spoon. It HURTS!!!! Aprons protect us from all kinds of messes...wink wink.

      Thanks Tris


      sissy terrie


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