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A collection of stories, pictures, thoughts ideas and more that are of interest to feminine and sissy males. I am open to submissions and guests posts on the blog. to email me just see my profile. Hugs...sissy terrie

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Petticoat Punishment

After finding his older sisters' panties in his underwear drawer for the third time, Terry's mom decided it was time to do something about it.  Terrie was sent away to "Auntie Helga's Petticoat Academy" immediately after his senior year of high school.  

Friends, relatives and neighbors asked why he wasn't going off to college.  All his mom would say that a year of prep school would help him mature some.  Auntie Helga referred to it as a post grad or "pg" year for the boys when discussing it in public.  Everyone knew what the "pg" stood for - at the end of that year of prep school, all the boys graduated as "petticoat girls."

Terrie graduated with the class of 2000.

Terrie's mom felt the pg year had mixed results, though she couldn't argue with the fact that her "son's" behavior improved tremendously.

Terrie on the other hand, felt the year was very worthwhile, even transformative.  


sissy terrie 👄


  1. Is this a true story? Because it seems like you were well trained somewhere. And I think I might know that older sister :-). Nancy

  2. Really Nancy, were you ever "missing panties" only to find them with your little brother/sister?


    sissy terrie


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